We will be earning the new national Lady of Guadalupe Award and the national St. Elizabeth Award. Those 2 holy women met in the countryside of Israel...we will be sitting with them in our Hill Country…we will also be making rosaries and earning the GS Rosary Maker patch too.
We are encouraging mothers to come and “retreat” with their daughter(s) and spend a weekend with our Catholic community to grow in our faith together. All lodging is heated.
Cost is $25 per person (adult or youth) and covers 4 meals (3-Saturday, 1 Sunday), supplies, and T-shirt for the weekend. There is a cap or limit to any family with several girls so the registration will not be more than $100 per family. Deadline to register with a down payment of $10 per person is Friday, Jan. 4, 2019. Final payment due at camp unless arrangements are made with CCOS.