
Monday – Saturday, 8am – 5pm Central Time

P: + (210) 764-1840 (landline-no texts)


1.  View the Memorandum of Understanding with Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas Council.

2. Local Religious Recognitions

All documents are free to use and may be available from this website. All awards must be obtained through this committee. Email the committee for more information.

3. National Religious Recognition Policies

The national religious recognition programs are available to Roman Catholic dioceses in the United States. In a diocese, these programs are administered and supervised by an authorized official, the diocesan director of youth ministry, diocesan Girl Scout chaplain, or diocesan Catholic committee chairperson.  Non-authorized administrators of the religious recognition programs, e.g., parents and troop leaders, may purchase religious recognition workbooks directly from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry or to save postage and handling, contact the CCOS on this website by email. However, the purchasers of the workbooks must contact their diocesan Catholic committee for Girl Scouts and Camp Fire before beginning any of the programs. Each diocese has its own requirements for workbook completion and awarding of the religious recognition medals and patches. ONLINE SHOP: