2nd in national NCCGSCF series - Our Lady of Guadalupe
Released in late 2018, the Catholic Committee on Girl Scouting in the Archdiocese of San Antonio conducted a workshop to earn this new patch at its Winter Retreat Feb. 1-3, 2019.
Our Lady of Fatima Award - Pray the Rosary!
Contact us to bring this beautiful workshop to your parish! The first Scouts in the Archdiocese of San Antonio earned it at the Catholic Camp "Viva La Virgen" in July 2017. We have also presented the workshop at St. Helena Catholic Church and St. Rose of Lima Church.
Our Lady of Schoenstatt Free Patches
Simply send an email with a group or individual reflection after visiting the Shrine to with how many patches needed and a mailing address. The Girl Scout Catholic Committee will then mail you this beautiful patch, designed by a Girl Scout Cadette as part of her Silver Award take-action project.
Questions? Call 210-764-1840 and leave a message. Thank you
Girl Scout Sunday 2018 at Mission San José
Shown are just some of the Scouts who earned their national Catholic religious recognition or CCOS local religious recognition from March 2017 through March 2018. We were excited to be "where our faith was shared over 300 years ago" as the City of San Antonio observes its tricentennial in 2018.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award
Congratulations to Sonia F. who received the adult recognition, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award, from CCOS Chair Laura S. The presentation was made after the Girl Scout Sunday Mass held at Mission San Jose March 10, 2018.
Girl Scout Sunday at Sacred Heart Church, Eagle Pass
Congratulations to our first troop in Eagle Pass (Diocese of Laredo) who earned the Family of God national Catholic religious recognition. Presentation was made on Girl Scout Sunday, March 11, 2018, at Sacred Heart Church. Last year before bridging to Brownies, one of the girls also earned the new Daisy recognition, "God is Love," at the first CCOS workshop in February 2017. Thank you for spreading the joy of Catholic Girl Scouting back in your troop!